For children aged three to six years
Our Preschool Programme offers children a solid foundation for their future academic, social and emotional lives.
The Montessori approach in our Preschool classrooms is designed to foster a love of learning, independence, respect and creativity that will stay with children into adulthood.
What happens in our Preschool classrooms
Children begin in our Montessori Preschool classrooms from around the age of three years, so long as they are developmentally ready. This means that they can manage their behaviour appropriately for their age, no longer need a morning nap and are toilet independent. They stay for three years with the same cohort and move up to Lower Primary at the same time.
Children acquire certain knowledge and abilities more readily at this age than at any other time in their lives. Their curiosity draws them to concrete objects that they can touch, move and manipulate, while their ability to concentrate and repeat an action helps them to master new skills.
The Montessori approach to educating this age group turns traditional thinking on its head. In mainstream classrooms, teachers tend to teach the whole class together. In the Montessori Preschool environment, children are taught to use the materials as individuals, and then the children work independently to master the many skills the materials foster. Children are free to use any material to which they have been introduced and commonly return to the same exercise until the inner need that initially drew them there is satisfied. AMI-trained guides carefully observe each child’s progress and will introduce new materials when a child’s heightened interest and ability align to provide the optimal conditions for easy learning. In this way, the joy of discovery and accomplishment help to embed understanding while the child develops concentration, self-direction and a lifelong love of learning.
The multi-age Montessori classroom nurtures the natural social bonds that develop in this familial setting of mutual caring and respect. To support good social behaviour, lessons in Grace and Courtesy model appropriate social responses. Younger children absorb the modelling behaviors of older students and preview upcoming activities, while the older children build leadership skills, confidence and independence as they share their skills and assist those younger.
The MSB Preschool classroom is carefully designed to use the child’s natural inclinations of independence, movement, and exploration to teach physical, academic and life skills.
At the end of their time in Preschool, MSB students will commonly be familiar with reading, writing, basic mathematics, geography, botany, zoology, music and art. The Montessori School Bali Preschool Programme balances a child’s emotional, social, physical and intellectual development, enabling them to advance into the Primary Programme with confidence and competence.
Children start in our morning programme. They might move to a full day in their second year if their teacher feels they are ready. The Preschool Programme runs from Monday to Friday, with the morning programme 8:30am till midday and the full-day programme 8:30am till 3:00pm. All five-year-olds must attend for full days.

The Montessori Bali classroom is carefully designed to use the child’s natural inclinations of independence, movement, and exploration to teach physical, academic and life skills.

Additional Outdoor Classroom
Maintains children’s engagement with the natural environment

Learning Experiences & Safety
Trained guide is always within the garden’s prepared environment

Develops Concentration & Self-Direction
The joy of discovery and accomplishment help to embed understanding

Art to Math
Lower primary summary in a nutshell
At the end of the three years in the Montessori Bali preschool, children will commonly be familiar with reading, writing ,basic mathematics, geography, botany, zoology, music and art. The Montessori Bali preschool programme balances the children’s emotional, social, physical and intellectual development, enabling them to advance into the primary classroom with both confidence and competence.
Class Activity
Our Classes
Early Learning hours are from 9am to 3/3.30pm. Before School Care is available from 7.30am onwards, and After School Care is available until 6pm. At IGS, care is also available during vacation periods, from 7.30am to 6pm