“ The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Maria Montessori Observing the students prepare for their own celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day, highlights the importance of independence and underscored how Montessori Education’s ultimate aim is to develop and nurture each child’s fundamental need for intellectual, emotional and physical independence. This independence provides each child with the confidence and resiliency to live a fulfilled life with a sense of control and happiness within their own lives and a desire and willingness to contribute to the well-being and health of both their local and global community. The primary students eagerly came together as a community to support their country by organising a lovely flag raising ceremony and games for their peers. Many of the students also took time from their outdoor play time to help decorate our grounds for the event. I also observed some students taking the time to practice their roles and lines for both the games and the ceremony, without adult direction, to ensure the day was as successful as could be for everyone. It was lovely to observe the older students exhibiting patience, support and kindness to their younger peers whenever they required direction. It was a lovely afternoon blended with happiness and respect for both the Independence of their country as well as their own. The Adolescents participated in the flag raising ceremony and engaged in batik paper weaving while the preschool created their own flag and maps of Indonesia. The Adolescent students have been learning the science of sand and applied their knowledge by hitting the beach to build sand sculptures on the beach. |